The Dangers of Lottery
Lottery is a process that allocates something that is in high demand but limited supply, such as units in a subsidized housing block or kindergarten placements at a reputable public school. It may also dish out cash prizes to paying participants. It is typically run as a public service by government agencies or private organizations. Its basic elements are a means of recording the identities and amounts staked by bettors, some way of selecting winners, and a pool of prizes. A bettor might write his name on a slip of paper that is then deposited for later shuffling and selection in the lottery, or purchase a numbered receipt that is matched to a set of numbers in a computer system for subsequent drawing. A percentage of the total pool is normally deducted for administrative costs and profits.
Some people play the lottery for a chance to become rich quickly, but this is statistically futile and distracts one from earning wealth honestly by hard work (Proverbs 23:5). God wants us to gain our riches by diligently serving Him and others (Proverbs 10:4), not by trying to cheat or deceive. Lotteries are not only a temptation to lazy, unscrupulous individuals but they skew the distribution of wealth in society and contribute to the growing gap between rich and poor.
Many people are hesitant to criticize the lottery because they think it is fun and harmless, but this is a dangerous view that masks the seriousness of the problem. Lottery has become a way of life for millions of Americans, who spend billions each year on tickets. The truth is that the odds are very low for winning, and the money that people invest in lottery tickets often is better spent on things like food and shelter.
Lotteries are a form of gambling, and they are regressive, meaning that the people who play them most heavily have the lowest incomes. It is also a corrosive force in communities, because it creates an environment of dependency where people are willing to take chances on anything in the hope that they will get lucky.
The story begins with the men of a small town gathering for The Lottery, where they draw a slip of paper that will determine the victim of their community’s upcoming blood sacrifice. While the women prepare dinner, the father of the household quotes a traditional rhyme: “Lottery in June/Corn will be heavy soon.”
As the story progresses, it becomes clear that the community has lost sight of the true reason for the lottery. The men begin to argue among themselves about how much the winner should receive, and the old man, who is something like the town patriarch, makes his position clear by quoting a traditional curse: “The winner shall die by the hands of the people.” The men then start to wager against each other. A man who loses a wager will be forced to give up his turn in the next lottery.